Super Moderator
I don't think it's 'end of story' either.
There needed to be some accountability of Google's part to ensure a high quality product... I think this is a great step toward it.
Is it all rainbows and unicorns? No, there are negatives to it as well, but overall I think it will only improve the end product for consumers.
Dont get me wrong, I think they need it. I agree it will drive quality up, which is something that is lacking on android. I am for it, I was just making a point.
And I didn't mean to negate your point, I just meant to convey I don't see it as such a cut and dry inevitability. Your thoughts are welcome, I didn't mean to step on toes

As long as they only push as far as to get a 'central' OS that mfg's can then (for lack of a better description) "decorate" (UI's) instead of mfg's putting their UI's into the OS itself... more of a layer, that can differentiate mfg's from one another, but at the same time still offer the same 'solid' Android OS behind them... then I'm all for it.
Hopefully they don't go overboard... but only time will tell.