So the question is, how long will it take google to fix this. You would imagine, they could do it very soon, given the fact that GMAIL already pushes so a lot of the code is already there. What do you guys think?
It's not an error they need to fix, it's a feature we'd like them to add.. I'm not trying to split hairs, but there's a slight difference..
GMail relies on IMAP to 'push' email to our phones. MS Exchange does a very similar thing.
Google Voice doesn't use IMAP, because it's not an email client, the current API isn't a 'presence' based system, it's a stateless request-based system. I would say that it's just like a website, because it is a web service.
Web standards dictate that connections are closed after a request is completed.
Think of loading a web page, it loads, then it's done, unless there's code to cause it to reload at some point (thus the 5 minute 'check for messages' timer in the GV App)
Now think of Google Talk, it's a presence based system, so your connection to the server might be idle, but it's persistent. It's always open, listening for data, like a new SMS or VM.
As Google has just acquired Gizmo5, a SIP service, it is very likely that a future version of Google Voice will allow you to register one or more SIP clients to your Google Voice account, then, incoming calls will cause those clients to ring as well.
What SIP/VoIP also offers is the ability to send messages.
Thus, a future version of GV for Android could very easily accept or make calls over 3G/Wifi, as well as send or receive SMS without any delay.
Additionally, you could have multiple cell phones signed onto the same Google Voice account, and they would all ring when the GV# was dialed.
For anyone else using or thinking of using Google Voice,
read the FAQ
It's got a lot of good information in it and answers almost all of the questions people are asking here.
romeov, I also tested GMail triggering of GV SMS and determined that in my case, it doesn't trigger a refresh of incoming GV SMS.
To anyone that wants to test something else just for fun:
Configure your GV App to check for new SMS every 15 minutes.
Configure your GV Account to NOT forward SMS to SMS or Email.
Refresh your GV SMS app, then back out of it to the home screen.
Send a txt from some random phone to your GV#
Then, send a txt from some other phone, to your CELL #
See if the GV app fetches the new GV SMS right after, or at the same time as, the txt to your CELL arrives.
Then let us know