I understand that what I'm doing looks bad from the side but I swear nothing in on purpose.
I don't want to sell this phone because although I have many problems with it in my mind I always give it a chance and I myself have hope that maybe these problems can be fixed.
Anways as for the GPS problems I'm going to upload a video just to show you what I'm talking about.
Look I understand you're frustrated with the phone and that it's not working out the way you want it to, but I've seen some of your other posts and you've said time and time again that the phone is "slow, sucks, can't hold a signal, etc." and say it's probably or the hardware or OS. You've tried to steer many away from the Nexus and that's not fair to them.
You said you wanted to give the Nexus a chance. Honestly if the Nexus had 9 lives, you went through them months ago. I commend you for your persistence, but the result of your persistence is that many users see your threads as a joke (considering you start a new thread with a new problem every month). I've tried to help you many times, others have tried to help you many times, but no matter our solutions a new problem seems to arise from it. Which is why I say, stick with your iPhone (that seems to be working flawlessly) and pick up an ICS device in the future when they hit other devices and it give it a shot then. You can also try getting another Nexus as from what I can see, you got a lemon considering your complaints over the past couple months.
You provided a video of "lag" before, remember how that turned out? Well the problem with this GPS video is, you're indoors. Sure sometimes you can get gps indoors, but from my experience I only use gps or turn it on once I'm outside. GPS is random at times, as sometimes I can't even get a signal in my car, I have to put the phone outside the window sometimes or before I get in. Just do what benson said and see if that helps, but do it outside. Alot of people say Samsung GPS radios are weak blah blah, I have yet to have a problem with it or any other problem you've had.
I mean I want to help, that's why I joined this forum. However you having a new problem every month when you have a perfectly good iPhone right next to it. Sell it and be done with it. Try your luck with another ICS device in the future, or get another Nexus.
I have a question.
Could the problem be because I'm rooted and using a rom?
2-How can the app you gave me fix my GPS?
I've been rooted and ROM'd since the 3rd day it came out. I've never had a signal issue with data, cell, or gps. Double check the ROM you downloaded and see if they mentioned any problems regarding signal issues.