Well having the update reloaded didn't help. It still has no clue where I am.
Question: does this gps location fix you link only work for cyanogen? Reason I'm asking is my gps has been not functioning for a while. I was running Darkslide 4.2, gps was working then I found recently I'm only getting a fix within 2000m of my location, and that was only if I had the cell signal selected. Just gps gives "location unavailable". Searched forums for a fix but nothing could fix it, gps status app, clear map cache, etc. I finally sbf'd back to froyo to do the gb upgrade and install Darkslide x, and thought the sbf would fix it but it's still the same. I checked it after the sbf and downloading maps. So I don't think it's rom related.
some people were/are still having the location issue on builds 7+. i am on #9 and i had the location issue.gps has been fixed since nightly #3 and network location fixed since #7. I recommend you flash the latest nightlies to get those and other fixes.
So theres no fix to get my gps dead on balls accurate (industry terminology) again? So if I'm in the field and I need to call in a danger close airstrike I'm out of luck?