GPS not connecting anymore

I'm no expert on GPS, but I do know that there are times of the day when the satellites are in a small group in one part of the sky, not giving a good "fix" (triangulation). In most cases, they are grouped only for a short period of time (usually less than 20 minutes), but when that happens, especially if part of the sky is blocked from view, the GPS cannot get the fix that it needs to find itself.

And sometimes things just don't work....
I had the same lack of connection problem the other day too. I uninstalled updates. Then re-installed from the Marketplace. Everything is working ok from then on.
Maybe some detonated an EMP near your house!:eek:hmy: seriously tho, I have not any problems with it where I live.
I am not to far from an army base actually, probably wouldn't effect it but you just made me think of it lol. I'm willing to say it has to do with what darren said an about the verizon networks screwing up the connection an reason it wasn't connecting.
I had the prob today for the first time, saying "Unable to locate your position" in the wide open where I never had probs before.. also maps seem to be loading alot slower recently..
I'm no expert on GPS, but I do know that there are times of the day when the satellites are in a small group in one part of the sky, not giving a good "fix" (triangulation). In most cases, they are grouped only for a short period of time (usually less than 20 minutes), but when that happens, especially if part of the sky is blocked from view, the GPS cannot get the fix that it needs to find itself.

And sometimes things just don't work....
There seems to be a fair bit of the latter going on. When I've had this happen there have definitely been satellites that the Droid could have locked on to. I know that because... (see below)

I have had this problem a few times, doing the #228 and 1 -- then restarting made it so the GPS would connect instantly, otherwise it just keeps blinking and blinking.
Seems to work for me as well.
happened to me when traveling last week in LA for a day or two and then started working again.
Actually whats weird was when I was having trouble connecting to satelitles, I loaded up the "Compass" app and set it to detect my location and it connected right away. So it's gotta be verizon network and using the network determine location on map.
I just had a three hour period where the GPS stopped working completely. Fortunately, I was able to weave my way through PA to get back to NJ. Almost had to by a map...Yikes
I remember getting lost in Iowa back in early 2000... a no-name gas station owner gave me a map. Them were scary times indeed. How did we survive?