Hey guys,
I am having the same problem with pairing the phone. I tried contacting Pioneer, and they are telling me that they "do not guarantee support for phones that are released after the Z110BT was released." So basically my unit is a $1600 brick at the moment. I am currently waiting for a manager to call me back, but they do not offer Bluetooth only updates, and are refusing to supply me with the map updates that incorporate the Bluetooth updates.
This phone pairs with everything else under the sun, except for the Z110BT. Pioneer needs to get up and fix this thing. I'd suggest you all contact them and try to get the new software out of them. It is complete nonsense that they would refuse to offer support for a device as expensive as this (and only a year old).
Depending on how it goes with Pioneer, I am considering posting an open letter (with the customer support email chain). I'll keep you guys updated on what Pioneer says.
I have to same exact problem with my Pioneer Z110bt. Iphone, Blackberry bold, HTC Incredible all connect and play fine. I have spent like 4 hours in the past day on this. I even called Pioneer and they said it's probably the phone (I agree).
Also my brother Evo 4G won't connect either...WTF android!?
I will be switching if I can't figure this out. I did find some information that maybe HTC Incredible is using older version of bluetooth from Android 1.5/1.6, even though they are runnning 2.1. Maybe this is why both the EVO and DroidX are having problems and the Incredible is not.
Frustrated...I would rather have iPhone antenna problemsAlthough I will concede my iPhone3G sounded horrible streaming bluetooth where my wifes Bold sounds better than CD quality.
My Navi system is also the Pioneer Z110bt. It 'connects' but is unable to do anything else.
In addition to other issues I have reported, I found to my dismay that my X refuses to pair with my car navigation system. I have had absolutely no problem pairing my iPhone 4, Droid Incredible, and my wife's Droid Eris to the same system.
The phone seems to pair and asks whether I will allow the navi system to access my phone book, and then everything hangs once I approve the request.
If I can't fix this problem by today then my phone is making its way back to the Verizon
Solved: Blue Tooth Pairing Sprint Evo 4G with Pioneer AVIC Z120 BT AVIC-Z120BT
It took me 4 hours of frustration to figure this out so I am hoping in hopes that this helps someone else.
You must follow these steps in this EXACT order.
0. Start with BlueTooth (BT) "off", on EVO
1. Go to BT Audio on Pioneer (left side of Audio screen)
2. Turn on BT on EVO (Click checkbox in Bluetooth screen) (assumes you have already paired EVO and Pioneer)
3. Touch "Connect" on Pioneer (bottom right of screen)
4. Touch your Paired Pioneer listed at bottom of BT screen on EVO
Should work.