I almost exclusively use the hardware keyboard (why I got this phone over the X). I've turned off all auto correct settings available. Yet for some reason, it keeps acting strange with dollar signs and quotation marks. If I type "I need $3" as soon as I press the $ sign, it deletes the space in front of it so it looks like "I need$". Then I have to backup, add a space back in front of it, and then finally type the 3. It does the same thing with quotations. In fact, its happening as I post this. The sentence above got autoformatted to: ...it looks like"... Its so GD FRUSTRATING!
Does this happen to anyone else? Why havent I seen a single person complain about this? How can I correct it? Thanks so much to anyone with some insight!
Does this happen to anyone else? Why havent I seen a single person complain about this? How can I correct it? Thanks so much to anyone with some insight!