New Member
I had this problem
my XT720 run optimizer rev2
but I skip the apps2sd because I always fail in partition session
my sdcard is 8 GB (7,4 nett)
I made partition with acronis and paragon software
when I tried to part my sd with acronis, this condition always appears:
-windows read my sd as 7,4 fat32
-I checked with paeagon, it always read my sd as 7,4 GB ext3 (although I've already format my sd from my phone)
-acronis read my sd as 6 GB fat32 and 1,4 GB ext3
Then, whenever I run the script to apply app2sd, dos always says:
installing APP2SD, please wait ...
insmod: init_module '/system/lib/modules/ext2.ko'failed (file exists)
Error loading ext2.ko, exiting script ...
Can anyone tell me what's wrong with my patition?
Because you allready applied app2sd allready one time on your phone the ext2.ko file allready exits on your phone. You have to remove it to be able to apply app2sd again. There is nothing wrong with your SDCARD but on your phone it self. I reflashed my phone and it installs fine again, some people say it is allso possible to remove the file from your phone ore use the -f command to force overwrite and redo APP2SD, i had no luck with that.