For those that don’t know what rooting is, I’ll explain. Rooting allows you to act as the “superuser” on your device. This gives you privilege to do things that the developers didn’t quite intend you to do(but most are really fun). Rooting is a harmless process, and should only take you a few minutes. If you’re jumping in without using my Unlocking guide, then please see the Preparation section above. If you plan on installing a rooted ROM you can skip this section
First you’ll need to download a custom Recovery call AmonRa. Here’s a link to it:
[Recovery] Amon Ra style vigor - xda-developers
I’m using version 3.14 as my example. Copy your newly downloaded recovery-ra-vigor-3.14-gnm.img file to your AndroidSDK folder above(like you did with Unlock_code.bin).
- Reboot your phone into HBOOT
- Make sure your phone is connected to the PC
- Now open a Command Prompt and issue the following commands:
Cd \AndroidSDK\platform-tools
Fastboot flash recovery ..\recovery-ra-vigor-3.14-gnm.img
Fastboot reboot-bootloader
When your phone reboots, choose the “Recovery” option. This will bring you into Amon Ra. Use the volume up/down keys to choose the “Developer Menu”, and press the power button to accept. Now choose the option that says “Install su & superuser” and click the power button. Once this is complete choose return/Reboot now and click the power button. Your phone will reboot normally.
When you’re all back up and running you still need to do one last thing. Head over to the Android Market(Play Store) and download Superuser by Chainsdd. Here’s the web link:
If you’re on the ICS Leak, you’ll need SuperSU found here:
[25.03.2012] SuperSU v0.87 - xda-developers
Congratulations you are now rooted.