Gummyjar dead?


Dec 21, 2010
Reaction score
Is gummy dead now that the dev is working on liberty and liberty was built originally from gummyjar?

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I can't speak for him, but I'm pretty sure Liberty was the evolution from GummyJar. It was to combine kejar's base and jrummy's scripts to create the ultimate choice in rom.

As for your experience with the toolbox, I'm sorry to hear that. It's worked wonderfully for me (aside from release day) as the servers were slammed.
I can't speak for him, but I'm pretty sure Liberty was the evolution from GummyJar. It was to combine kejar's base and jrummy's scripts to create the ultimate choice in rom.

I am 95% sure you are 100% correct

From my Liberated Droid 2 (Liberty v 1.5)
Trust me guys, gummy jar is no longer supported. I'm sure the devs would help you if you needed it but they have all moved on to Liberty. I tried downloading a few gummy themes because they will work on rubix and alot of the links are invalid. We still have the original rom though, to the poster above with the frozen toolbox I just want to say you should give Liberty another shot, Its what I run when I'm not on a flashing bender like right now.... or you could give rubix a shot, rubix might be my new number 1, its that nice.
I've been using Liberty minutes after it was released and i have no problem with it everything works fine for me , ToolBox is wonderful .
Just wanted to come back and say every one should come back to gummy, I used liberty for about a week and it was a big dissapointment I mean its nice but it still has bugs to fix and freeze ups n reboots I cnt live with that. Unistalled liberty came back to gummy best rom I've flashed.

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