Having Trouble Copying Files to Galaxy Nexus From Computer Via USB


Apr 16, 2010
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Trying to copy some pictures from my computer to my Galaxy Nexus, but for some reason it's not allowing me to.

Also, when I first plug the phone in it says it can't find the drivers. Running Windows 7 64bit.

Can anyone help with this issue? Thanks!
Well, I restarted my computer and the drivers automagically installed.

Still not able to copy photos from my computer to my GNex tho.....
I'm having trouble as well. First the drivers, then "losing contact" with the phone during transfer. I tried multiple ports with varying degrees of success. When it does start copying, it tells me 14 hours for 6GB! My DX transfered 8GB in under 3 minutes. (I actually waited 20 minutes for it to transfer 1 song)
I'm having trouble as well. First the drivers, then "losing contact" with the phone during transfer. I tried multiple ports with varying degrees of success. When it does start copying, it tells me 14 hours for 6GB! My DX transfered 8GB in under 3 minutes. (I actually waited 20 minutes for it to transfer 1 song)

Well it's nice to know im not the only one dealing with this issue. I really hope someone can recommend something for this.

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Having the same issue. It transferred all of 3 pictures then just stopped. It found the drivers quickly but aside from that it's not working. Hopefully someone figures it out soon.
my biggest disappointment is not being able to pop in my SD card. :(
Strange. I've tried it on two different computers, works like a charm. I can view files literally two seconds after hooking it up with the USB cable.
Came here to post this thread because I couldn't even get drivers installed. Figured a disc came with it but no go :(

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Mines working fine try another usb port on your computer
I got like 5 pics transferred then kept saying nexus wasn't responding. Yeah I hope to get this figured out. I already miss my motocast on the Razr. Other than this issue Nexus is awesome.

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I had same problem transferring pictures. Googled it, and found a solution. If you use an app called airdroid, it will transfer the pictures correctly. It actually is a very neat app, and its free. You install the app on your phone, then goto a specific address in your web browser on your PC, enter a passcode that the android app gives you, then you full access to stuff.
I had to choose the second option from the USB drop down to get it to work faster.

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