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Direct form the user manual. So yes!!!!!!!!!!
I was wondering the same thing. I checked the market, no luck there. Checked 4shared, didn't find a previous version there. Where can we find this app?
Hello everyone,anyone know of any downloads on the market or third party,that would help unlock the HDMI use like the" real hdmi" software did, but sadly removed. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
I've been looking around and found a site that has the "real HDMI" download. "uploadcity" Have you ever heard of them? thay charge a fee (which I don't mind paying) but it's $$ for a year + $$ for them to take away adware + $$ so you can watch cd quality movies $$ so ypu can record cd music, it's fees like this that makes me wonder. anyway do you have a preference, Thank You in advance.
Iam also looking for a solution to this. i saw somewhere that birdman placed the read hdmi app inside his ROM image. I'm not sure if that really correct though.
Any alternatives to the real hdmi app? i would like to use my droid to connect to my TV to watch videos online.
Appbucket is largely a collection of pirated apps. They make a good show like they are legit but they dont honor dmca take down notices and are basically stealing money from devs. Version of real hdmi that is up there is a hacked/pirated version.