Allow me to put all these posts into a logical paragraph (or 2)
There are, and have been for some time, 2 types of support. One, commonly called mainstream support and the other was essentially patching support for security issues. The mainstream support for Windows XP was halted April 2009. The patching support ended April 2014, after several delays in what Microsoft called end of life (EOL) for XP.
What has happened here is what happened to XP in 2009, no free help, mainstream support. However, the current plans are to continue the patching support through January 14, 2020. In short it was 5 years after the mainstream support for Windows XP stopped before the security patching stopped. It will be 5 years before that secondary support ends for Windows 7. In fact, Windows 7 is not only still available but some on-line companies still sell systems with Windows 7 (Only Pro), preinstalled.