Helix Launcher 2


Jan 28, 2010
Reaction score
So I installed helix launcher 2 and the app naples in the drawer are not centered under the app icon except for a handful. most are justified to the right. starting to the right side of the app icon.

My question is, how can I get them all text to be centered under the icons like normal?
Happened to me too. I restarted Helix2 and it fixed itself.
The Guy that showed me helix at the Verizon store said helix 2 was for a different phone... not the Droid.
helix 2 works well on droid, sometimes after adding app with long name or something just restarting the launcher (configure options-restart) takes care of center issue.
been using it for long time.
I thought helix 2 lagged a lot on the droid. Did they fix it?

I don't think so. I've tried it on my OC 600MHz w/o LWP and it lagged like crazy and FC'ed every now and then. Only widget I had up was BW and PureCal.

Not very useable at all.

Looks pretty tho.
Whats the difference between helix launcher and helix launcher 2?

they are pretty much the same except helix 2 has the 3d launcher that was available for the nexus one. Its the same launcher that there has been individual apk for them but every version has always froze and lagged the phone. I don't really get why the 3d launcher is that complicated but oh well. helix launcher works really well.