Perfect. This has made my hours of research all worth it in a matter of about 45 seconds after reading this, haha thank you.
Okay... Well my situation is this-
Got the offical OTA last week to .893 lost root (never used the forever root method)
Got the Galaxy NexusDeactivated the Bionic through VZW
Sold my phone via eBay (Have to send it out tomorrow)
Tried the RSD Lite method (Failed as you can see)
Did a factory reset through regular recovery (not through cwm)
Now I am at .886
Getting the Fastboot error on a normal boot
And now I am getting ready to dive into your suggestion![]()
Seeing my circumstances it sounds like this should work just fine. My only concern/question is will if I will get the OTA after I choose option #4? Not that I am that concerned considering I am just selling my phone as is and want the customer to get a phone completely clean and ready to activate.
Well here goes nothing, I'll let you know how it goes.
THANKS again though, REALLY appreciate it.
first, congrats on the galaxy nexus! it's sooo sweet. i switched to the RAZR recently, but I'm thinking about jumping to the nexus... i'm quite conflicted!
i'm glad I could help -- i hope this works for you.
And YES, once you flash the 5.5.886 system.img from using option #4 in the 43v3r root APP, you WILL be able to accept the OTA and install it via STOCK recovery, even with the updated kernel and radio still from your 5.5.893 update. I've done it... something like 3 times lol
If you follow the instructions carefully and do what I did (since it sounds like you're in the same boat that I was in) you should be: booting normally into android (not fastboot mode), unrooted, on stock 5.5.893 (latest official) system, latest official kernel and radio, and back on the upgrade path for VZW official OTA updates.
good luck and happy flashing!