Help Linux Sbfing Droid X!


New Member
Jun 18, 2012
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I Have a Droid x .621 and im trying to root it. Please help me D:

I Go to the terminal and Locate the folder(By Dragging it)(At-least i think i am), this is what i type in the terminal(Btw im not booting from CD i have dual boot):

I drag the download folder to the terminal(Which contains the Sbf_Flash and The Sbf file.) So the terminal automatically writes:

Home/Desktops/Downloads(I Press Enter)
> chmod +x sbf_flash (Enter)
> ./Sbf_flash mb809-2.3.5.sbf (Here is where its suppose to do something, But i press enter and all i get is):

Nothing shows up, just that little ">" thing, and nothing happens!! IM SO CONFUSED I want to root my DX!!

Any help will be greatly appreciated!
I Did this linux sbf thing once, but i cant do it anymore! i don't know why!!
I had the same issue... looking up how to fix it took a while but an easy fix...
> chmod +x sbf_flash (Enter)
> sudo ./Sbf_flash mb809-2.3.5.sbf (Here is where its suppose to do something, But i press enter and all i get is):

(insert sudo before the ./sbf....)
it should then ask you to enter your password to your ubuntu and should start sbfing :), if not then you may be doing something else wrong
Tried :(

Thanks for trying to help but i tried that, I enter sudo first, it asks me for a password and then it give me the same ">"