Help me understand the "don't ever use task killers" argument


New Member
Jul 17, 2010
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I've read many threads on task killers. I myself knew nothing about them before I got my phone. Like many others, the actual manager of the VZ store downloaded advanced task killer to my phone. Yes, I've heard from others that VZ reps don't know anything...blah blah... but logically, if using task killers is so bad, you'd think that a tech at VZ (they can't ALL be idiots) or someone at HTC would be putting out a company-wide memo to not only stop downloading task killers to customers' phones, but to not even endorse them at all.

So, I have read in the the threads over and over to "let the OS run like it's supposed to.." and "the Incredible will close programs itself..." but here are a few questions I have.

1) I haven't read a worst case scenario yet as to what "bad things" can happen to your phone if you use a task killer. Instead of saying "don't use them," can you give me some proven examples of horrible things that can happen to the phone?

2) I have read threads stating that some things that are listed in a task killer's list of currently running apps/programs aren't necessarily using up battery, they're just open. After rebooting my phone, I opened advanced task killer and saw a TON of stuff open or running (at least according to advanced task killer) - FM Radio, Notes, YouTube, Clock, Calendar, Footprints, Gmail (I don't use), Voice Dialer, Market. HOWEVER, when I go to Settings to see what is actually pulling juice from the battery, none of these are listed...unless they are covered under the "android system" listing. After some time, everything I mentioned was still listed as open or running under advanced task killer - if the Incredible is supposed to maintain itself and close things that shouldn't be open, then why are all these things still on?

IMHO, there is not a doubt in my mind that using advanced task killer has saved batter life - nobody can tell me different. Maybe it varies with other folks using it and results might vary. Whether using the app is good or bad, that is the point of this thread. So.. convince me I shouldn't use it anymore.
The idea is that Android OS itself manages tasks very well. If something needs to be closed it will be closed.
I myself don't use task killers all the time, only when I need to kill some app that hung up or is glitchy. Most of the time it's Pandora.
I've read many threads on task killers. I myself knew nothing about them before I got my phone. Like many others, the actual manager of the VZ store downloaded advanced task killer to my phone. Yes, I've heard from others that VZ reps don't know anything...blah blah... but logically, if using task killers is so bad, you'd think that a tech at VZ (they can't ALL be idiots) or someone at HTC would be putting out a company-wide memo to not only stop downloading task killers to customers' phones, but to not even endorse them at all.

So, I have read in the the threads over and over to "let the OS run like it's supposed to.." and "the Incredible will close programs itself..." but here are a few questions I have.

1) I haven't read a worst case scenario yet as to what "bad things" can happen to your phone if you use a task killer. Instead of saying "don't use them," can you give me some proven examples of horrible things that can happen to the phone?

2) I have read threads stating that some things that are listed in a task killer's list of currently running apps/programs aren't necessarily using up battery, they're just open. After rebooting my phone, I opened advanced task killer and saw a TON of stuff open or running (at least according to advanced task killer) - FM Radio, Notes, YouTube, Clock, Calendar, Footprints, Gmail (I don't use), Voice Dialer, Market. HOWEVER, when I go to Settings to see what is actually pulling juice from the battery, none of these are listed...unless they are covered under the "android system" listing. After some time, everything I mentioned was still listed as open or running under advanced task killer - if the Incredible is supposed to maintain itself and close things that shouldn't be open, then why are all these things still on?

IMHO, there is not a doubt in my mind that using advanced task killer has saved batter life - nobody can tell me different. Maybe it varies with other folks using it and results might vary. Whether using the app is good or bad, that is the point of this thread. So.. convince me I shouldn't use it anymore.

I think they mean auto task killers, if it is set up to automatically kill tasks then it is just another process that is running in the background. The best thing that is out right now is minfreemanager in the market it will reset the parameters for memory usage and speed up the phone which will defeat the purpose of a task killer. Push menu, presets, aggressive, and appy it at boot.
Task managers became famous back when the G1 was released. Because the G1 was so limited on RAM, having a task manager was an absolute necessity! Plus the Android OS was in its infancy stage. So you basically had to leave a task manager running to auto-kill everything except the vital processes for the device to run smooth.

I wont say don't use them because I do. But now that Android is more advanced and efficient at managing tasks, plus running on super hardware with a nice amount of RAM, we just have to change the way we use task managers. I use Advanced Task Manager(ATM), mostly to keep an eye on whats running, how much memory I have, and to selectively end bad 3rd party apps. For example, the Skyfire browser has a tendency to use a crazy amount of memory, so I use ATM to close it immediately after i'm done using it. Then I close ATM!

So basically, you use it to keep check on whats running, and then close it! Never leave it running 24/7 because it too will use memory, battery, and cause lag also.
I believe also that if an app is killed by a task killer, the app may reopen itself, because it is programmed to be on, even in the background. So, more battery is being used, and memory, with apps opening and being killed repeatedly.

At least, that is how I understand the argument. I may be simplifying too much.
I believe also that if an app is killed by a task killer, the app Will reopen itself, because it is programmed to be on, even in the background. So, more battery is being used, and memory, with apps opening and being killed repeatedly.

Fixed it for ya :D
This subject has been talked about a lot in here since the Droids release. I've talked to a developer who is very well versed in Linux/Android and he summarized the following as correct......

Android is different to most other phone operating systems. It's closer to Linux than any other type of operating system. Lots of services and applications constantly run in the background just like they do on Windows. However, and this is important, they do not have to use up a ton of resources. A service or app can be loaded, yet use almost no additional memory, and 0% CPU until it actually has to do something.

In general, killing off stuff is a waste of time. Android automatically asks apps to close that aren't needed when it needs more memory. Killing off some of the processes you are killing off also means it'll slow your phone down, as these processes only need to reload, and when you do need to use them it means the phone will be slower for the few seconds it takes to reload them.

Stolen from Cereal Killer
IMHO, there is not a doubt in my mind that using advanced task killer has saved batter life - nobody can tell me different. Maybe it varies with other folks using it and results might vary. Whether using the app is good or bad, that is the point of this thread. So.. convince me I shouldn't use it anymore.

Nobody can tell you different, but you want someone to convince you - this is just a troll thread.

The people telling you that task killers aren't needed have months and months, if not years, of experience with android phones. Go back and read some of the dozens of threads on this issue.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Task Killers?! Auto Task Killers?! AAAH!!! BURN THEM! BURN THEM WITH FIRE!!! OK I feel better now.
I like how people say that it saved them battery life.

But did you do the EXACT same things with your phone say over a weeks time to know this for a fact or are you like the kid with the muffler on his civic that thinks now his civic is deadly fast.
I have been using advanced task killer with my incredible and I have seen a 10-20% increase in battery life and no problems. So why are tehy so bad if they help give you more battery life? I use advanced taks killer running in crazy mode for killing. No atuo killing though.
Yes, Android is good at managing its processes, but the fact is some apps are written poorly. I read an article where Google even acknowledges this and says task killers are not necessarily a bad thing. I agree.
I have been using advanced task killer with my incredible and I have seen a 10-20% increase in battery life and no problems. So why are tehy so bad if they help give you more battery life? I use advanced taks killer running in crazy mode for killing. No atuo killing though.

The point is you dont save battery life, this is in your head.

Ill put it in simple terms. You have say Gmail running and your done so you decided to kill it with your task killer. Now instead of jsut closing that by going back to the home screen and letting it chill (using almost no ram and 0% cpu) till Android itself decides to fully close it, you use your task killer so you waste battery by opening that up. Then you close the app, Android now goes and reopens that app up in the background using up battery and then puts the app into just chillin status which Android woulda done in the first place had you let it and save you battery

Is that simple enough for you?

Yes, Android is good at managing its processes, but the fact is some apps are written poorly. I read an article where Google even acknowledges this and says task killers are not necessarily a bad thing. I agree.

Why would Google say that when there is one built into the Android OS called froce stop, its under the manage apps section if you select any app.
Na because my app killer is always running and a lot of these apps do not have a close option they will not reopen from what I have seen unless they are the calendar and the clock exc.