Okay.....so one of the gifts I got her was a RAZR case....hoping it would make the experience of holding it a little better. She said she liked it.....with her lips......but not with her eyes.
So then I brought up the Samsung Stratosphere and again she is willing to try it but at this point, I'm not so sure it is worth it. If 2GB is going to enough for her and as a new smartphone user, it probably will be, then I don't want to have to pay two or three re-stocking fees for every phone she tries. Honestly, IMO the iPhone is simply a better phone. Heck, it might be fun to get to know the new kid. See what all the fuss is about with Cydia, perhaps......
BUT as for all the suggestions of getting her hooked on common apps, music etc.....pffft.......I've been trying that for the past
two years...dangling the OG droid in front of her.......showing off all my customizations (You changed the font colour, babe? That's awesome!)...showing her how I overclocked it to twice the stock speed (What was wrong with the normal clock?) (What's root?
Why?). She did really like the Navigation though........too bad. If anything, she'd like to try some 'running apps' that would help her as she trains for next year's half......but I've never been successful in getting her to want a smartphone....not even now....she'd gladly go back to her flip, but is 'curious' about a smartphone.
When she heard about Siri, I asked her if she'd like that. She smiles and tells me that's what she keeps me around for. She's not joking.
All this time she'd call me with random questions......I'd proudly look it up with my Voice Search and find an answer....extolling the virtues of having a smart phone....thinking that sooner or later, she would see the light. All this time...she did have a smartphone, it just had a husband attached to it.
ARRRGH!!! This whole experiment started because I thought this would be a good time to get her one because of DOUBLE DATA!!!!
Ah well....I love her and you must sacrifice for love. I'll give up one of the babies. (sniff) Hope he finds a good home.....someone who won't mind that he is 'refurbished'
Gentlemen......It's been an honor.