Help Please ----


New Member
Nov 26, 2010
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When I press the music button: I have the following list come up:

audio - 2 songs

camera - 1 song

download - 3 songs.

The camera one is a very bad picture - have no idea how it got there and can't find anyway to make it go away. I like the lower left button which brings up limited choices, but none for delete.

What do I do?
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I would recommend that you save your pics, contacts and everything else to your computer, then do a factory reset. If the problem comes back and you're under warranty, take into a verizon store, not a franchise, or call customer service about the issue.
When that list comes up its because those are the categories you have to choose from..

Audio - Ringtones etc I do believe.
Download - Audio files you've downloaded.
Camera - Probably a video

As for the camera being crappy it may just be the lighting or something in the room that's causing the camera to not be able to auto focus on the thing your trying to take a picture of.

BackUp everything on your SD Card to your computer, FORMAT your SD Card within the phone, then perform a factory reset within the phone.

Once your done with all that, put all your files back on your SD Card and try running that for a bit and let me know how that works. If you need further help feel free to PM me.