Help with Wifi


Nov 6, 2009
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My droid connects to my wifi at work perfectly. I put in the password once and now it always connects. But I can't get it to work with my wifi at home. I have two computers connected to my home wifi no problem. My droid recognizes my home network with the correct name, I put in my password and then it tries to connect and eventually just says disconnected. It won't connect at all. Does anyone have any suggestions?
My droid connects to my wifi at work perfectly. I put in the password once and now it always connects. But I can't get it to work with my wifi at home. I have two computers connected to my home wifi no problem. My droid recognizes my home network with the correct name, I put in my password and then it tries to connect and eventually just says disconnected. It won't connect at all. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Are you sure you have your password right? Sounds like you don't, mine did the same thing until I finally got it right.
Yes, I'm positive. If you put the wrong password in, it immediately tells you and won't even try to connect. I did it several times with a wrong password on purpose and it won't "remember" your network without the correct password being entered. Mine is remembered and it will say authenticating for a long time, then connecting for a long time but eventually goes to "disconnected."
Plus, I logged on to my network from my laptop and double checked my password just to be sure.
Any chance you have your wifi set to only give out IP addresses to devices that it knows, aka MAC filtering? Every time we bring home a new shiny, I have to find its MAC address and introduce it to the firewall. Not everyone does this, the settings to do this are off by default.

What brand of wifi? What type of wifi protection are you using (WEP, WPA, WPA2)?
it is a d-link router and I do not have Mac filtering on. I have been through every setting I know to go through and still no luck.
Aye, was gonna suggest the MAC filtering possibility, as well. I know for a fact that it's something I use in addition to the other security protocols available.

Try unplugging the router for about thirty seconds or so, and then pluggin' 'er back in? See if that works?
is it possible your router is not G, perhaps an older wifi spec that the droid doesnt support or maybe draft N or A?
is it possible your router is not G, perhaps an older wifi spec that the droid doesnt support or maybe draft N or A?

N's still support G unless you've turned that function off. Even then the droid can still see it and use it. I have my router set up to N only and it still can see the wireless signal and use it. Who knows.
if you are using wpa, try tkip instead of aes, multiple reports coming in that wpa w/aes is broken
I am using MAC filtering. How do I determine the MAC address?