WiFi connects fine, but doesn't work

Fixed this problem for me

Recently I got the same problem. I found some hidden service codes and played around with them - after that I realised that my wifi is connected to my router but doesn't connect to the "outside" world. I tried a second router and two laptops. The laptops got a internet connect without any problem.
I restarted my droid and still the same error.
After a while I realized that Wifi was still activated when I was restarting.
--> So turn off the Wifi
--> Restart your Droid
--> Turn on Wifi again
and (for me) it worked :)

hope it helps
I found the problem to start with the update to FROYO. I find this problem having to do with my N Router. Assuming an N router is used, by disabling N and going w/G only, the problem is solved.

This doesn't make me happy though.
wifi problems

I had the same issues with having a good connection but internet not working. I finally fixed it by going in and changing my router security setting to WAP2-PSK and AES not TKIP and now it works great. Super fast too. Hope rhis help out.
I had the same problem as the OP. I fixed it by going settings/wireless & networks/ Wi-Fi Settings/ Advanced/ checking the Enable auto IP box.

Apparently the auto config(DHCP) was failing with my D-link router.

This worked for me, maybe it will work for you too! :)