Silver Member
I used 31 gigs last month. And I refuse to feel bad about unlimited data no matter how I use it. Tether or streamed. Data is data and I pay for unlimited. Eat me vzw.
Sent from my Supercharged Chainfired Cyanogenated DROID X @ 1.25
And that attitude is exactly why there is tiered data plans and there is a throttle on data. Yes unlimited data for your phone should truly be unlimited but tethering is clearly not included in that. But whatever that convo is for another thread.
To be or not to be........................wait what was the question? This signature has been Tapatalk approved.
Do you know how much data actually costs VZ? Its not much. Kinda like text messaging. It costs them about a penny for each text message, yet they charge a ton. I don't feel bad for Verizon.
I don't feel real bad either, that's not the point, it's the blatant disregard for the rules though that Verizon sees and then puts into place even stricter policies. It's like this, I went to a private university where they had some RIDICULOUS rules but I signed a conduct code saying I would obey them, when I broke the rules I was punished and rightfully so. No matter how unfair or stupid the rules are, they are still the rules. Would it be nice if VZW let everyone tether for free, absolutely but unfortunately that isn't going to happen.