Hilarious Prank Video Has iPhone Fans Cringing as Fake Genius Drops New iPhone 5s


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Get ready to both cringe and laugh at the same time. The above video is a prank in which the prankster dresses up as a fake Apple "Genius" employee. He then carts a stack of iPhone 5 boxes right past some folks waiting in line for their new iPhones. He proceeds to chat them up, and then clumsily drops the boxes. The boxes even have broken glass inside to make it sound "extra crunchy." The reactions from the folks in line are unsurprisingly hilarious as the prankster makes a complete fool of himself. He even fails to reassure them with a vague, "It's Gorilla Glass."

We must admit, even though we know that the real packaging of the iPhone 5 shipping boxes is much better than in the video, it would have made us cringe a bit! Can you imagine being one of those folks in line and wondering if you were going to get one of those "dropped" iPhones? Not cool! Still, it makes for some harmless fun...

We thought we would share this video just because it would probably be just as funny if someone did it with a hot selling Android phone too. Plus, it's just plain funny.

Source: PhoneArena
Haha that made me lol pretty hard. Especially the part when he goes down the stairs.

"its ok its gorilla glass" XD
Kinda funny, but not as funny as this crackhead woman:

LOL at the second video, the iPhone must contain crack.

@ the 1st video, some of those peoples' dreams were briefly shattered until they realized it was a prank.
Ok, this is really mean... but would this woman, waiting in line for 2 days for a phone she has no idea what it is even capable of, be the caliber of intelligence we can expect from iPhone users? dgstorm and Johnomaz, thanks for sharing! Made my day! Hysterical!
No idea how someone can stand there and do that. It is funny but at the same time a little sad(the 2nd video) I feel like he should of took out his phone and asked her if she wanted to call her Boyfriend to tell her how excited she is. So at least he(who I feel must pay for everything of hers)

Guy is in for a shocker when he finds out he has a 2 year contract with a company lol.

The person who sold her the phone(if they did) should be fired. She does not seem of right mind to be signing contracts.
first video tho is funny as hell.
If I wasn't so sick I'd be rolling on the floor.

Rachel is my hero :)
Haha, smash'em! for some reason, that made me feel better about myself and our Bionic ota wait.

The vid with odd girl interview made me feel sad, so it was all a wash afterall:)

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Thats awesome, thanks for the video!!!dancedroid
I was dying at 1:27. The sound (I assume from the movie Prometheus) combined with that woman's face of seemingly imminent war rage is priceless. :)