Here's my entry. Took longer than I expected, but when I themed certain things, I started seeing more stuff I wanted to theme to make it look better. I couldn't stop....haha. So I forced myself to stop....otherwise, I'd never get it entered.
I made it ONLY for UD 2.3. I'm not going to port it to any other ROMs, but feel free to port it yourself. I'll even host it on my server so you can have a direct download.
Just please don't try and submit it as your own. PC747 already knows.
I made an ADW Launcher theme. Just install it with Astro or Root Explorer. It's a great addition to the theme and completes it. I provided a download for DF members to enjoy, but you can find it on the market for .99 and I would greatly appreciate a donation.
I also made a matching Beautiful Widgets skin. So if you have the app, you can unzip it and drag the folder into
data/beautifulwidgets/skins and it should come up as an option.
Theme Zip
Beautiful Widgets Skin
ADW Launcher Theme