I think I've only once had FC on Home++. Been using it for a month or so. I like the power strip because it replaces icons that would otherwise take screen space.
What do you guys use 7 screens for? I tried 4, 5, 6, but I still like 3. Moving over two screens just seems seem so far away. I'm always looking for better ways to organize my desktop, so please share your best practices.
I find 3 screens a bit too restrictive. I like having 5 but could probably be happy with 4.
My leftmost screen is for stuff I hardly ever use, but don't want to go searching through the app menu to find. Things like taskkiller widget, foxyring widget (silences the phone for a preset time) and the vibrate during meetings widget that needs to be on a home screen to work, but never needs to be touched. A few other tools.
Next over is music players, Shazam, and a couple of destination links. This is my main screen when in the car once I turn off the useless Nav Home.
Middle screen is my main one, with apps I use most often. WeatherBug Elite widget at the top of the screen, than browser, voice recorder widget, 3banana notes shortcut to start a new note, calendar, gmail, camera (I have my camera button remapped to another app) Google Voice, Livelist (a todo list app) and Google Maps. Also have a folder of shopping apps including Our Groceries, the Barcode scanner, Market, Shop Savvy, Google Goggles, Calculator, and a tip calculator (I guess they could all have been a sixth screen instead).
Next screen to the right is primarily work related stuff. LAIK calendar widget, Timecatcher (for capturing billable hours as I am currently unemployed but doing some consulting), Keepass, a folder of travel related things (car locator, bus and train maps and schedules, find starbucks, translator apps, etc..) and then I also have some time related things. Gentle alarm, Sleep Now, Tea Timer.
Because I had room, I also have the MotoTorch widget and the news widget ripped from 2.1, although they don't really fit the theme of this page.
Last page is fun stuff. Twitroid widget, LolCat widget, link to facebook, and folders with other entertaining stuff and games.
I am not sure what I would want to give up to go back to just three pages. I also really like the powerbar in Home++ or the phone and contacts links in GDE. Without them, I would need additional phoen and contacts links on at least my main page, and would probably put them on every page, taking up more screen space.