omg omg omg lol i figured it out
nevermind lol
Care to share to save the rest of us some frustration?.
ok AFTER i figured it out ...i was directed to another person's post as follows (KEEP IN MIND THIS IS ONLY DIRECTIONS FOR THE SPRINGBOARD):
I will try to walk you through it.
- Menu - Edit Theme
- Long press in open area
- New - Springboard
- Make it the size you want for the "button", as this is actually what act as the toggle switch.
- Long press in open area
- New - Tagged Tray (you can actually choose other things here but this is what I think they had in mind when making the interface
- Make this the size you want, it is where the apps go
- Long press the Tagged Tray
- Edit
- Filter by - choose a group (eg. games)
- You can change setting in here if you want but there are too many for me to go over here.
- back out and long press the Springboard
- Edit
- Controlled Block(s)
- And change the Tagged Tray you created to Yes
- Back completely out and it is ready for you to add programs to the Tagged Tray
- Long press a clear area in the tagged tray
- Application - Choose the application.
- You can remove an application by long pressing it and then dragging it out of the Tray
anyway.....back to me now....i made mine really girly girl as you can see. all of it can be customized to whatever colors you like. my "home" button clears the whole homescreen so only your wallpaPer shows. i put all my fav contacts in favs.
the name of my theme is mysweeterhomefinal if anyone is interested. you can change the name on the springboards and put whatever you want in them.
even though there are five screens i only i only have one screenshot becuz i can't possibly think of anything else to put on the other screens lol.