Host Older Nightlies


New Member
Mar 17, 2011
Reaction score
It might just be a server problem on CM's main website but I can't download any nightlies from 22 or older. 23 and up are fine. Does anyone have older nightlies, preferably 8 and newer and 12 in particular, that they can upload and link to here on this thread?

I ask because I'm getting awful battery life on nightly 28-30 so far and want to try an older one to see if its any better, and if so, why.

Thanks in Advance.

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1) Any takers here? Someone has to have those older nightlies sitting on there computers ready to upload and share

2) I was on nightly #30 and, with my battery, screen off (standby), GPS off, wifi off, i would lose about 1% battery every 10 minutes.

3) I downgraded to nightly #24 via cwm and only wiped cache and dalvik cache, tapped the power button to put my phone on standby and let it sit for about 1.5 hours and it has yet to go below 60% even as I'm typing this.

I know this thread isn't supposed to be about battery life as there are plenty other threads regarding that issue but if people start hosting the older nightlies here other users can downgrade to each one and, hopefully, improve battery life.

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