I've read on other forums that older phones that run on 4g were showing the 3g signal. the -db signal was the 3g not the 4g signal. Now that people are buying newer phones that are showing the -db settings of the 4g signal that is not as strong as 3g was. So what was a good signal on a 3g phone of lets say -80db is is now -110db on a 4g phone and there is almost no differnce in call quality. Idunno if I agree with this but I understand that could be possible. My whole reason for this post is I have also found tha that the radio (antenna that makes calls) in the samsung galaxy s3 is the same that is in the note 2. So what that means is that it is threw software that is improving the quality not hardware with in the phone. Another guy told me that with jellybean the reception issues wil be fixed. I just wann make sure this thing is better then my current phone (htc thunderbolt which is 2 oz heavier due to extdended battery) and has better phone reception then my friends who went out and got the S3 to use and drop calls. I also notice that friends with the droid razr usually have the best reception, ( all my friends have verzion) Had anyone done a side by side -db signal test for a samsung s3 note 2 and droid razr maxx hd?