How do I know which apps I can move back to media area

I thought media area was the external sd. Is that not correct?

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Media Area is an 8gb partition on the phone's internal memory. However, it's mapped to "sdcard" in the OS, which confuses apps into thinking it is the external sd. In actuality, the external sd card (16gb preinstalled) is mapped to "sd-ext" in the OS. Confusing, I know. Bottom line is there's currently no way to move an app to the external sd card (sd-ext), however with the OTA you can now move apps to the Media Area without causing the issues (disappearing apps, disappearing icons, etc.) that used to occur.
Media Area is an 8gb partition on the phone's internal memory. However, it's mapped to "sdcard" in the OS, which confuses apps into thinking it is the external sd. In actuality, the external sd card (16gb preinstalled) is mapped to "sd-ext" in the OS. Confusing, I know. Bottom line is there's currently no way to move an app to the external sd card (sd-ext), however with the OTA you can now move apps to the Media Area without causing the issues (disappearing apps, disappearing icons, etc.) that used to occur.

Well damn, I thought the update was gonna allow for apps to be moved to ext sd. Thanks for the education. Now it makes more since why it isn't recommended to move the apps anymore.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
I'm not against it but I will pose a question:

This phone has 4gb of space devoted solely to apps and that 4gbs can't be used for anything else. What is the benefit of moving apps out of that space to the sd where they will then clog up memory that I might want to use for something else (music, movies, photos, files, etc.).

I have 75 +/- apps installed plus the stock bloatware and I never use a majority of them, I just though they were cool. I haven't even used up 1gb of the 4gb app storage space. What does it take to burn through the 4 gb of app space? 400+ apps??

Well, the phone has 4 gigs reserved for system, 4 gigs for apps only, 8 gigs internal storage, and 16 gigs external storage.

I use the 16 external gigs for my music, photos, movies, books, etc

So I'm left with 8 gig internal, and 4 gigs for apps. I don't really use the 8 gig internal for anything other than extra downloaded data for games. None of my "media" stuff goes here. So if I am filling up the 4 gigs for apps, and Im not really using the 8 gig internal, I may as well put some of those apps into the 8 gig internal partition. Before I only had 4 gigs room for apps, now technically, I have roughly 12 gigs room for apps. I'll never fill that all, but at least I can exceed 4 gigs of apps now if I want.
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Well, the phone has 4 gigs reserved for system, 4 gigs for apps only, 8 gigs internal storage, and 16 gigs external storage.

I use the 16 external gigs for my music, photos, movies, books, etc

So I'm left with 8 gig internal, and 4 gigs for apps. I don't really use the 8 gig internal for anything other than extra downloaded data for games. None of my "media" stuff goes here. So if I am filling up the 4 gigs for apps, and Im not really using the 8 gig internal, I may as well put some of those apps into the 8 gig internal partition. Before I only had 4 gigs room for apps, now technically, I have roughly 12 gigs room for apps. I'll never fill that all, but at least I can exceed 4 gigs of apps now if I want.

How on earth did you fill up 4 gigs of apps? How many? Are they games with huge data use? I've got tons of junk gimmick apps and I'm still under 1 gig for total app space used. At my rate I would need to install roughly 400 apps to use all 4 gigs.

In addition to gaining more useable space, is there a performance gain to be had from moving apps to the media area?
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Media storage tends to loose apps, and the ghost app issue D1 had is present on many bionic devices.. That is why I do not put any apps in the media area, once it was over 100 some odd apps it started to ghost them away.. so I went to link2sd and partitioned my ext sd card, used that, not that I needed room, but I like to do what I want and have it work ;-)
apps2sd is fine, link2sd will move non movable with apps2sd apps... and I can move dalvik cache and lib files with it.. and the system thinks there all internal and no ghost issues.
my .02 worth.
(p.s. apps like google music with offline mode can take up 1g easy.... )
Yeah, coming from an OG Droid too makes me anxious to move stuff to the Media Area (although I really have little more than what I had in the OG Droid), but have held back due to the "disappearing apps" problem.

Did the update fix that?