Well, our weekend of upgrades with unlimited data appears to have come to a close. Within the last hour, we received word that Verizon systems in stores were no longer allowing reps to select unlimited data packages as options during upgrades. We are also now being forced off of unlimited data while walking through the upgrade process online that previously left our current plans in tact. Was fun while it lasted.
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The question now remains – will Verizon honor all of these upgrades with unlimited data once phones arrive within the next couple of days? We know that many of you upgraded online, chose in-store pick-up, and then activated the phones with great success over the last two days. Good job on that move, folks. But what about those who upgraded and are having devices shipped to their homes?
Those phones will show up on doorsteps within the next day or so. Will Verizon do the right thing and allow them to keep their current plans, exactly as the checkout and online contract-signing process showed? If not, then they better get ready for a whole bunch of returns. Because if your phone shows up and attempts to change you off of unlimited data during activation, feel free to return the phone and get your old plan back.