that is what I was trying to explain, the filesystem is locked. It was not made clear in your original post, so should someone go through the steps and then try adding an app, such as Superuser.apk to the /system/app directory, they're going to be confused as to why even after they mounted the file system, it still does not let them.
I am not claiming you are incorrect, just clarifying. And yes, I already stated the coding was correct for the rw script, just that even after rooting it does not work properly on the incredible. Not a fault of yours or mine, but a fault of the limitations we still have regarding the Incredible.
EDIT: Sorry I just read the end of my original post, Sometimes I think ahead, and end up forgeting to write something I orginally intended. I did NOT state that your scripts were correct... but I meant to... after "(I checked your script code)" .... I just meant to clarify the limitations of mounting the file system currently. Sorry for the confusion.
I have superuser installed and running just fine....

Thanks to XC from XDA for this as well.
First download AND extract the file: edit -> get the file here: Superuser 2.1 - Fun for all! [2010-05-16] - xda-developers
Use adb to push both the su file and Superuser.apk to /sdcard/
Follow original rooting procedure, once at root (#) prompt in adb recovery
export PATH=$PATH:/system/bin
cd /system/app
cat /sdcard/Superuser.apk > Superuser.apk
cd /system/bin
cat /sdcard/su > su
ln -s /system/bin/su /system/xbin/su
chmod 06755 su