I used to want 4G really, really badly. Then the Netflix app came out for the Droid, and I found I could watch TV episodes on my lunch breaks at work without problems. Now 4G doesn't seem so necessary for me.
I'd definitely prefer 4G, but I've realized I could live with a 3G SGSII for two years, no problem. Besides, all the reviews of the SII I've read praise its battery life, which would not be the case with 4G.
Also, this is my own conclusion from reading multiple articles on the 'net, but Samsung would have to alter the chipset to accomodate 4G, thus making the phone thicker/heavier and further delaying its release on Verizon.
Come on, Verizon! Where's the SII? I'm trying to give you my money, just freakin' take it already!
Id take a better 3G phone over a worse 4G phone.
I would like 4G, but it really isn't too much of a difference.
3G plays youtube fine, netflix fine, browsing speeds are fine.
And I am by WIFI hotspots most of the day.
Plus, battery is better with 3G.
Well you all must be in good 3g areas, its been pretty terrible for me wherever Ive been.