Corporations: Though these corporations are making billions of dollars off of our information it is hard to believe that they would be fool proof. Even the most secure banks in the world find themselves getting robbed or hacked from time to time. So no matter what we may expect from a corporation there is always a chance of someone from the inside being the culprit.
Hacker: Whether it be for thrill, revenge, or a sense of morality there seems to be someone who feel the need to not only compromise a company's data but to use that information for their own personal mission. Hopefully the company has something in place to detect and protect their information from a breach, unfortunately there are times where the company may be too late and the result ends in other people having to deal with the aftermath.
You the user: In the end we need to take personal responsibility for what we say and do on the internet. I am not looking to stand on a podium and point my finger at anyone. But we need to stop putting the responsibility on everyone else and start putting it on ourselves. Whether it be social media, forums, or websites people should not put anything that they do not want getting out on the web. If a person is using a website to commit acts of infidelity then ask what is keeping that site from sharing the information to the public. With the exception of banks, employers, or medical facilities we have a choice on what information we want to put on the web and that includes the cloud. So take a moment and think about what you are about to put out (or do) on the web and ask yourself if you trust the recipient or if you are ok with that information going public. If the answer is no then you may want to pass on sending that genital pic.