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make: *** No rule to make target `vendor/motorola/sholes/proprietary/act_mirred.ko', needed by `out/target/product/sholes/system/lib/modules/act_mirred.ko'. Stop.
if you did, just retry the step, and if you still can't get it, post and let me know, but it seems like your proprietary files, didn't get set up right..
Can't thank you enough! Always wanted to learn this. Followed the guide and am typing this from my first ROM.... a speedy one. I loaded P3's lv 125-1000 and used gapps from CM (there's a very recent one posted). As mentioned in a previous post, whack the recovery folder from the ota zip. I also whacked a checkprereq(?) file from the ota zip. Not sure what that is.
Does anyone know how to 'clean' the build environment similar to how a linux kernel is compiled?
That's where the problem was. At . I was getting this:
remote object '/system/lib/modules/act_mirred.ko' does not exist
remote object '/system/lib/modules/act_police.ko' does not exist
remote object '/system/lib/modules/cls_u32.ko' does not exist
remote object '/system/lib/modules/em_u32.ko' does not exist
remote object '/system/lib/modules/ifb.ko' does not exist
remote object '/system/lib/modules/sch_htb.ko' does not exist
remote object '/system/lib/modules/wl127x_test.ko' does not exist
Reinstalled rom on phone and tried again and all went well.
Thanks tcrews!
Thanks for the help and great guide Woody!
Does anyone know how to add ##program functionality to a source built ROM? I found a slew of posts but none that explain what to do to fix it. I used the guide posted here to build the ROM.
Great job on the doc. I followed it through, but get the following error when calling make, right before trying the makeotapackage:
build/core/ *** generic/updater: MODULE.TARGET.STATIC_LIBRARIES.librecovery_ui_generic already defined by device/generic/updater. Stop.
build/core/ line 128 points to this section of code in the file (line 128 is red):
# Make sure that this IS_HOST/CLASS/MODULE combination is unique.
module_id := MODULE.$(if \
ifdef $(module_id) $(error $(LOCAL_PATH): $(module_id) already defined by $($(module_id)))
$(module_id) := $(LOCAL_PATH)
I can't seem to find where it is already defined....any ideas?
EDIT: figured it out, had to remove the htc, generic, and sample directories from android/system/device
Does anyone know how to add ##program functionality to a source built ROM? I found a slew of posts but none that explain what to do to fix it. I used the guide posted here to build the ROM.
Thanks for the reply. I must be goofing something though. After I copy over the apks, set perms, etc... Any interaction with the phone dialer causes a FC.
Which would you like? [generic-eng] 3
build/core/ *** device/sholes/ PRODUCT_NAME must be unique; "generic_sholes" already used by device/motorola/sholes/ device/sholes/ . Stop.
** Don't have a product spec for: 'generic_sholes'
** Do you have the right repo manifest?
anyone got an idea what i am on Ubuntu 10.04
Which would you like? [generic-eng] 3
build/core/ *** device/sholes/ PRODUCT_NAME must be unique; "generic_sholes" already used by device/motorola/sholes/ device/sholes/ . Stop.
** Don't have a product spec for: 'generic_sholes'
** Do you have the right repo manifest?
anyone got an idea what i am on Ubuntu 10.04