How to create battery zip for D2g


New Member
May 10, 2011
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Would anyone be able to explain to me how create my own zip file to install a new battery icon? I have the hd photos for the icon but idk how to make a flashable zip file for using in clockwork. Could someone please share or give me an idea where I can start learning how to make this myself?

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With MetaMorph
You could take a battery metamorph that works on your phone and replace the .png's with your own. You can find one at Once you find one, I use 7zip,, to open the metamorph and swap or replace them.

With ClockWork
Or if you have the Hexen rom, you can edit that the same way. Open the rom with 7zip, go to \system\framework\framework-res.apk\res\drawable-hdpi\ and change out the battery icons. They will be called stat_sys_battery_0.png through stat_sys_battery_100.png, in increments of 10% ( -10.png, -20.png ,-30.png, etc.). And the charging icons will be stat_sys_battery_charge_anim0.png, stat_sys_battery_charge_anim1.png, stat_sys_battery_charge_anim2.png through stat_sys_battery_charge_anim5.png. There is also the stat_sys_battery_unknown.png for when theres no battery.

If you have anymore questions or need help, just ask.
If you want an I can try and create one for you.then all you have tip do is replace the images
I was able to add the images doing what Cjm said, which worked out great, to the battery zip from u mopar. Thanks to you both! !

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If mopar gave you an, you'll be able to add to it to change out the icons for other apps (.apk's) the same way. Just look at the hexen rom for the file paths. For example, you can take out the mms.apk from a rom, edit it, place it in the app folder then install it the same way. You're basically making your own theme.

Sent from the Unbrickable DROID
That's pretty nice. Im going to mess with it this weekend thank for the example. Exactly what I needed to know!

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Could this be used to take get a diff messaging app like the htc one? I reallllyyy want it

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Depends on the coding behind it.

If its based on the HTC sense software then no it wont work.
--like how the stock messageing app wont work on the customs roms, since its based off blur.

If its just on the froyo then it could.

This thread and ways were dealing with the framework, and just replacing image files. Alot different then replacing apk. But you could find a HTC system dump and try installing it.
Damn :( no way at all to make it work? As this would be best thing ever.

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I have seen some blur apps on custom rims before. . . How about getting stock blur text messaging working on hexen. Possible I would think. .

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