What's the error message? (try the edit button too, lol)
And does the phone boot up? Or does it go to bootloader and display Code Corrupt?
Because mine's said failed when waiting for phone to start up (at that point it just got stupid)
Update: Progress so far?
That happened to me the first time. Open your control panel, go to device manager-it will be slow, so you should have this open before you start
Run the sbf again, but right as it hits switching to bp pass-through mode, find the BP flash interface driver(probably under Motorola flash or something, or whatever new driver directory pops up as you're sbfing), and hit update-it should be able to find it locally if you've installed one of the driver packages listed on the 2nd page, once that's done, the flash will continue through.
At the end, don't forget to catch the reboot and make sure it goes into ANDROID RECOVERY
YOU NEED TO WIPE DATA AND CACHE from there, then boot-this prevents bootloops/problems
Win7 sure is picky...