well i have spent the better part of the last 2 hours trying to find any information on Media Share or the Files "app" on my droid 2. All i want to do is copy a file from y droid to my computer without using wires. Here, in this brave new wondeful world, is what i discovered:
1. no one can get media share to work, it always asks for a username and password, of which i have tried ALL of them. computer login name and pw, router name and pw, made up a new user name and pw, not surprisingly NONE of these worked.
2. someone here suggested sharing the folder. well i went through the whole deal on sharing a folder on windows wonderful website. ok, so its suppossed to be shareable now, but i still get prompted for a user name and pw from my not very smartphone droid 2.
3. google search wifi, media share, files etc with droid2 and all you have are tons of questions, no answers
so i guess i have to dl dropbox?
last sarcastic question - with something as easy as wifi, and something as common as sharing files, why is the standard app that comes with the droid so f&*%^@# awful? and why do countless posts on the subject have no answers?
makes me want to chop off heads. god i hate this sh*t
thx for any help, but i am not expecting any, motorola sucks