this is what i would do if i was experiencing your problem:
search through my entire sdcard for .nomedia
I have found other instances of .nomedia, but they are in app-related directories (like "/sdcard/data/beautifulwidgets/wskins" or "/sdcard/launcherpro_backup"). I don't think I want to touch those, right?
remove .thumbnails and maybe even .video_thumbnails from /sdcard/DCIM as well as 100ANDRO (if you have it)
How do I do this? I don't see/know a way to search for these filetypes. Do I need an app to view these (like I had to install to find the .nomedia instances)? I'm not that adept at Android yet, and hitting the search button in file manager didn't let me search by filetype.
Is there a way I can just repair or reinstall the Gallery (from apk or something)? Again, I'm trying to avoid a factory reset.
those are actually folders. the easiest way to get rid of them is to mount your phone on your computer and just delete like that
touching the other .nomedia files will not break anything. itll just make the files exposed in the gallery. but maybe deleting them if the previous steps didnt work might fix it
and yes. you are able to uninstall/reinstall gallery. but you will either need adb or some kind of root explorer app as well as a copy of the rom on you device