Is there a way to root the new OTA 2.2 update like the original method in this thread, without using ADB?
I liked the simplicity of it, and only want to root for wifi tether and some of the other apps on the market for root users.
Thanks for any help!
Is there a way to root the new OTA 2.2 update like the original method in this thread, without using ADB?
I liked the simplicity of it, and only want to root for wifi tether and some of the other apps on the market for root users.
Thanks for any help!
I am almost positive you can. Granted I did not do it this way, I used ADB only to push the rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin file. I had copied su and busybox to /system/xbin last night, so I only had to exploit, then copy out of /system/xbin to /system/bin and change permissions. I could have easily done this from terminal on the X instead of adb shell
High level view of what you need to do is this(THIS IS NOT A WALKTHRU):
-dload the rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin, su, busybox, and SuperUser.apk to a directory on your sdcard
-move the file to /data/local/tmp
-change permission's on the rage file [chmod 0755 rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin]
-run the file[./rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin]
-Let the process run, and at some point it should kick you out of the terminal. Wait a few seconds and try to connect back, see if you get the # prompt
If you have the #prompt you are temporary root, take advantage of it now! =)
-Copy your Superuser.apk to /system/app
-Copy your su to /system/bin
-copy your busybox to /system/bin
-change permissions on su and busybox to 4755
Thanks to whomever wrote the Droid 2.2 root ADB walkthru and rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin exploit!!
See this post:
You can get the files from that post and see the walk-thru with adb. I just overwrote mine, but again I did the above link method. I think where you might run into an issue, is getting the rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin file into a location that you can run it from on the terminal. When we do the above link method, we copy into data/local/tmp, change permissions, and run it from there to exploit for temporary root permissions. Once you get that, it is just a matter of getting the su/busybox into /system/bin. The Superuser.apk remains. The files in the Droid2.2(su/busybox/Superuser.apk) link above were binary identical to the ones we used for 2.1, only the exploit file is different.
Hey superusers!!! I keep getting permission denied whenever I try to copy files (using ADB push or within terminal) Example:
push Superuser.apk /data/local/tmp/Superuser.apk "Permission Denied"
push rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin /data/local/tmp/rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin "Permission Denied"
using Terminal I tried to copy the rage file into the /data/local/tmp directory
cp /sdcard/rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin /data/local/tmp/rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin "Permission Denied"
I was rooted "using the terminal method" on stock the stock android OS which came with the Droid X + the minor update they did about a month ago and then I did the OTA to Froyo yesterday. My SU apk is still there but no root access... :icon_eek: Any help???
Use your pc and then transfer it to your phone.Help i cannot download the file it says not suppourted by this phone.
See this post:
You can get the files from that post and see the walk-thru with adb. I just overwrote mine, but again I did the above link method. I think where you might run into an issue, is getting the rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin file into a location that you can run it from on the terminal. When we do the above link method, we copy into data/local/tmp, change permissions, and run it from there to exploit for temporary root permissions. Once you get that, it is just a matter of getting the su/busybox into /system/bin. The Superuser.apk remains. The files in the Droid2.2(su/busybox/Superuser.apk) link above were binary identical to the ones we used for 2.1, only the exploit file is different.
You're awesome, thanks soo much!!
Hey superusers!!! I keep getting permission denied whenever I try to copy files (using ADB push or within terminal) Example:
push Superuser.apk /data/local/tmp/Superuser.apk "Permission Denied"
push rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin /data/local/tmp/rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin "Permission Denied"
using Terminal I tried to copy the rage file into the /data/local/tmp directory
cp /sdcard/rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin /data/local/tmp/rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin "Permission Denied"
I was rooted "using the terminal method" on stock the stock android OS which came with the Droid X + the minor update they did about a month ago and then I did the OTA to Froyo yesterday. My SU apk is still there but no root access... :icon_eek: Any help???
You and I are in the same exact boat, so follow the advice I got from Daali in his quote above (at your own risk of course). I'll be trying this as soon as I have time.
Thanks! This forums rocks!