Was wondering how Drod was making out with porting gingerbread to the x. I remember a while ago that he solicited for donations on twitter to go to Google I/O and said that he would work full time on the x if he got enough money for a ticket. Lately all I've seen is talk of the thunderbolt and work on a tb rom. Not trying to start anything here but it would be nice to see or here something. Thanks
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Alright.. here's whats going on. Please, don't take this (if it sounds like it) as ungrateful, hateful, rah-rah-rah-do-it-yourself-or-die kind of post.
I promised to work on it.. Never that I would have it functional enough for release, nor a time estimate of when (which is next to impossible to do). I would never release a broken product. rubiX is known as one of, if not THE most stable rom on the DX, for a good reason.
I was working full time on gingerbread for the Droid X. Had it fully booting, AOSP, 2.3.1 Gingerbread. Wifi worked, BT turned on (not sure if it worked, no bt device here), the DX i had had a bad esn, so not sure about 3g/data/calls/sms,etc.
I can almost guarantee that MMS, camera, camcorder, sound didn't work. USB didn't work.
I took a break for a week or so, my girlfriend felt deprived, so I had to give her some of my time, as well as school, work, yadda-yadda, and everything broke when I merged up to 2.3.3. Wouldn't boot.
I came to a stalemate. Couldn't figure out for the life of me why it wouldn't boot. Tried using the proprietary files from the Gingerbread leak that P3Droid was nice enough to share with me (don't ask, I won't give it), and that didn't help, either. The sdcard i had in that dx got screwed. I shared it with my gtab, and my gtab corrupted it. Couldn't read any info off it (also lost a 32GB class 6 SDCard

), and I lost the zip in a make clobber to compile 2.3.3, because, like an idiot, I expected the sdcard to still function (now I have a folder in linux I copy all my successful compiles to after they compile)
It would have been a stand-still anyways, and a lose-lose in my department. If I released AOSP to the status that obsidian is at now (which is what I would of released it as when I got it there), I can guarantee there would have been rants about the unfinished product. I decided to, at the very least, take a break from it, until I get some more time to myself and my thoughts.
I hope everyone understands, and no one is upset about it.