Anyone know if and or when the TB will get Skype?
Lets just get the phone out first.
Anyone know if and or when the TB will get Skype?
Anyone know if and or when the TB will get Skype?
Lets just get the phone out first.
I was gung ho for this device about a month ago... now not so much.
If I'm gonna pay $400 for a device (I know I can get it cheaper, but I won't do a 2yr) it won't be this one
Guess I'll have to endure some more impatience on my own behalf a lil while longer for a new toy.
I'm still tempted to give this device a run, but we'll see.
I was gung ho for this device about a month ago... now not so much.
If I'm gonna pay $400 for a device (I know I can get it cheaper, but I won't do a 2yr) it won't be this one
Guess I'll have to endure some more impatience on my own behalf a lil while longer for a new toy.
I'm still tempted to give this device a run, but we'll see.
That's what I'm saying. At this point its not much more than an incredible on roids if you ask me. Not that that's anything bad, but everything has gotten worse.
was unlimited data and would grandfather you. Now that's gone. Was 249, now 299 (and I'm doing a 1 yr not a 2--- so that's actually 399) Was with skype. Now its not. Next think you're going to tell me "we were planning on allowing you to use it as a phone, but that has been canceled, the Thunderbolt will now be known as the new Micro-tablet-pc. I'm losing interest with every second. I used to go look up the specs and drool. I've got a Droid 1 and an upgrade (and one more in 6 mos) that I'm willing to burn but I will not burn them on this. I'll save it for the bionic. Or maybe I should just keep the droid and get the xoom.
I love how the same information about wirefly has been posted from like 4 different news sites all referencing one news site. That's priceless!
On topic:
Hopefully I can get one on Thursday... Mom is buying it for me so i can get her 20% discount on monthly plan woot. Just write a LOT of checks lolIf I don't get it by Friday I'll have to wait til I get back from my cruise which would suck.
Anyone know if and or when the TB will get Skype?
Lets just get the phone out first.
Regardless of it this week or not, the phone is on it's way, I just want to know if it will be able to get , since that is what I was looking for in the first place. I use it a lot when I travel, and if this phone is not going to get it, I might as well wait for one that does.
Definitely coming Thursday. My local BB (Fayettenam,NC) has printed up notices signed by the manager that say; "we have had many queries into the availability of the HTC Thunderbolt, it is available for preorder and will arrive on location 3/17" it also has the familiar price tag we've all seen now; $299 and $799.
These were hanging everywhere in the mobile department, from the man-sized Nexus S display to the accessories, to the actual sales counter. I will go back tomorrow and take pictures if anyone doubts what I'm saying.
I've been the first person to call out people for reporting what they "heard" at BB, but noone "told" me this. I read it with my own eyes. I would take what an employee tells me with a grain of salt, but when the store manager has printed and signed what he/she is saying, I believe it to be fact.
TB is now up on Verizon's home page.
TB is now up on Verizon's home page.
Weird. I don't see it, and I searched it, too.
Do you mind sending me the link?