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HTC Thunderbolt Release Date

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Fine with me, as long as its not much longer than that.
I am more interested in the price right now, hoping its not 250 for it.

I mean honestly, Miami has been 100% wrong about this phone since November when he told us all it was coming "very soon" around Nov. 23. This turned out to be completely wrong, and he dragged us on for weeks saying it would come "shortly", so sorry but I don't believe it Miami. There is overwhelming evidence as to a Febuary 14th release date. Too many chat reps are saying the 14th and Bestbuy is up and ready to launch according to many sources*. Take it for what you will but Miami's track record with this phone is poor.

* HTC Thunderbolt Pre Sales Start February 6th Launching February 14th from Best Buy

It states in that article that the date is subject to change.
It could very well be pushed back, and it would make sense if it was.

Doubt it will be though, most of those papers for its release have already been printed, would be a waste of time and money to change it at the last second like that.
If it helps the Thunderbolt not get overshadowed by the iPhone, so be it.

Not that I noticed any IPhone ads (aside from the annoying pop-up every time I logged into verizonwireless.com), but you had to be living in a cave not to know about it.

But I haven't seen hardly anything on the Thunderbolt. I wonder if VZW will have a big SB ad (doesn't seem to really be their style, but perhaps for LTE?)
i was just in bestbuy, 2 hrs ago and was told it was coming out on the 14th. then went to the verizon store and the nitwit in there wouldnt even talk about the tb. said "we are focusing on the iphone right now". anyway i REALLY hope this report is wrong.
I really don't know... I a just planning on heading I'm at 11 after church with my questions and $ in hand - like many, have been waiting for this since November - my sister is being wonderful and giving me her upgrade! :)

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I didn't find out when it's coming out but I just want to secure that I get one because I can't wait for the pushed back orders like the incredible and x. Verizon annoys me with their hush hush with all of this...

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Haha I just to my local vzw store and they didn't know jack **** about the tb or bb or the release date

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I've been featured on the famous Black_Man_X's (VZW Insider) blog for my Logo Design work :)

Rants, Opinions and the confessions of a Tech addict… | "I am neither a fanatic nor a dreamer. I am a black man who loves peace, and justice, and loves his people." ~Malcolm X~

Oh and BTW ... Bolt will be In Verizon stores on the 24th not sure about BB's though

That's what I'm leaning toward believing, too. I know it won't be in VZW stores tomorrow... since I live with a VZW manager who does the inventory for his store. He says he's gotten no word of any inventory coming for the Thunderbolt, which means a launch of tomorrow is a lie (which we pretty much knew anyway). The 24th is pretty soon... can't wait!
Possible reasons for a pushback:

1. Inventory: They don't have enough of them ready to go. Don't think they would want a pre-order to be more than 10 days out... so they delay until manufacturing can catch up. iPhone 2 hour sell out spooked them. Can't see this - iPhone and TB are two different consumer groups IMHO.

2. Quality Control: This would be huge. The delay in this case would be much longer than two weeks. Don't think that is the case.

3. Stepping on iPhone's toes: I guess I can see this... sort of keep your name in the news... one week it's iPhone pre-order existing customers (sold out in 2 hours...), next it is iPhone regular, then pre-order the TB, then regular sales.... New thing each week. This make sense form a marketing perspective.

If they push it out two weeks - 2/14 to 2/28 - would any of you seriously consider jumping ship and going to another carrier over that? If no... then Verizon feels they can do what is in their company's best interests....
SO_confidential shaun orr

they saying that the tb will not launch with the skype or the mifi is that true?

The Mobile Panda

its being worked on to ensure that its ready. thats wht happens when u push devices for fast rls. shld be about a week
SO_confidential shaun orr

they saying that the tb will not launch with the skype or the mifi is that true?

The Mobile Panda

skype may make it the hotspot is still being tweaked to manage power a lil better. u dont want to kill ur battery in 45min
ElMalevo Jay Jackson

Release date will most likely be at the end of the month??

The Mobile Panda

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