HTC Thunderbolt update coming June 30th?

Another letdown from Verizon

Another letdown from Verizon. This is my thrid year with VZW and have come to the conclution that they cannot get it right.
Now they want more money for web access on phones, but cannot get the things to work right.
Seems to me that it may be time to root it.
I just got off the phone with VZW Tech Support. He said an update is in the works but had no info about when it was coming and basically said VZW is waiting for it from HTC. Supposed to be end of Q2. Knew nothing of any soak tests.
I think I know less after talking to him.

I find VZW to be clueless .I was told the exact same statement at beginning of june .
I think they hire actors for their customer care
I also think this is typical. I ran a blackberry storm for 2 and a half years I went to the same problem waiting for updates it never panned out .
I waited a year for android to get their act together in hopes that this new operating system would work .I find it does have many advantages but still doesn't have all the bugs worked out .
I was also surfing htc website the other day I noticed that the ht c's thunderbolt is not listed there . go figure
I do like the talk to text function when it works.
like most VZW products you have to take them apart and fix them yourself .