[HUGE NEWS] VZ to allow unlimited Skype calling over 3g starting next month!!!1

Hey that is pretty cool!! I've never used Skype but heard all kinds of cool things about it...
It's only unlimited minutes for Skype to Skype. Still great news, but I don't have enough friends who use Skype for it to impact me much.
Now we just need better Skype apps in the market. I've only used the IM client Nimbuzz. It has Skype in there, but I couldn't connect at all over 3G with it. I had to use wi-fi. I wonder how VZW is going to handle the load if a lot of people start using Skype. Using wi-fi when I used Skype on Nimbuzz didn't have great quality at all either.
It's only unlimited minutes for Skype to Skype. Still great news, but I don't have enough friends who use Skype for it to impact me much.
Same here. I don't have 'Skype friends' either. But the fact that VZW will allow this is big.
It's almost as if they're taunting AT&T with their available 3G bandwidth, LOL
It's only unlimited minutes for Skype to Skype. Still great news, but I don't have enough friends who use Skype for it to impact me much.
Same here. I don't have 'Skype friends' either. But the fact that VZW will allow this is big.
It's almost as if they're taunting AT&T with their available 3G bandwidth, LOL

Maybe the new phones coming out with a facing camera for video calling?
That would be sweet imo!
Did anyone here use a different Skype app besides the one on Nimbuzz that connected through 3G? I couldn't use 3G and had to use wi-fi. Again, as I've stated several times already, even the wi-fi did not have very good quality. If so, how was the quality on it?
It's only unlimited minutes for Skype to Skype. Still great news, but I don't have enough friends who use Skype for it to impact me much.
Same here. I don't have 'Skype friends' either. But the fact that VZW will allow this is big.
It's almost as if they're taunting AT&T with their available 3G bandwidth, LOL

Maybe the new phones coming out with a facing camera for video calling?
That would be sweet imo!
That right there is about the only thing that would get me to start using (and pushing) Skype with/to everyone :)
Article says there will be a new app AND Skype Out will be supported too, so that means you can call regular phones with it if you have Skype credit. I have an unlimited Skype Out plan, they're cheap, so this is really something if it works well. I wonder if Skype IN will work too but I imagine that it will. I've tried Fring and could never get it to actually connect on a Skype Out call.
It's almost as if they're taunting AT&T with their available 3G bandwidth, LOL

EXACTLY what I was thinking...Oh yeah, and I guess all those "cant talk and surf the web at the same time" commercials are obsolete now too! :icon_ banana: