I feel liike an android pimp


Jan 9, 2010
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My wife is a blackberry girl and i've been trying to convert her to android- like a Jehovah's witness.

I just pre-ordered her the LG ally so she gets the android experience which blow bb away but keeps her physical keyboard.

The MD is too much phone for her.
Hope she likes the android experience as much as we all do here. :)
Maybe I should be PIMP of the year.

Got my Best friend to convert (Droid)
Got my Girlfriend to convert (Behold II)
Got a co-worker to convert (Eris)
About to convert three more co-workers (iphone Fanboys)dancedroid
I got my mom to get an Eris when I got my droid. She says she doesn't really use it for what you can do with it but every night shes playing on it pretty much all night from when she gets home from work till she goes to bed.
I convinced both my sisters and my girlfriend to get a Moto Droid and got another friend and his wife and my cousin to get the Eris (Incredible wasn't out and they wouldn't have spent that much on a phone).
I converted my whole office.

That's right, the motorola droid is the official phone for my workplace. There are at least half a dozen office personell that have gotten on our corporate plan, and IT gets everyone who is on our corporate plan a droid as their work phone.

All started when my boss (VP of engineering) asks me, "I'm looking to replace my old treo, do you have any input?" "As a matter of fact..."

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
I'm still amazed that my wife converted as easily as she did from Blackberry to Droid, and whats even more amazing is how she handled the learning curve. Since all her email was on a gmail account that made things easy but she was using Outlook for her contacts. Without even asking me she easily imported her contacts from Outlook. When I asked her how she did it she said "I followed the directions on Gmail." Makes me think about the tons of people we see around here who ask how to do it.

She's pretty smart, she an IT geek but she's never been much of a phone geek. Really she still isn't, she has yet to mount her Droid on her PC but she's got everything else down.