PM me, let us exchange 100% fallacies? I never say 100% (100% ers are mistaken if you ask me) (I like the open sources, and open minded typeThis issue has been hashed out in multiple, long threads. Just because a Linux window is open, doesn't mean it is using ram.
This is 100% false. I don't care who uses task killers and who doesn't and I'd rather not spend another hour explaining the technical aspect of why you're wrong. The OS DOES NOT automatically clean things up. It doesn't even claim to. It only removes apps from memory when it doesn't have enough free memory to complete a given task. But ANY app that is in the background is using just as much RAM and just as much power as if it were running in the foreground. Whether you like it or not it's a fact. If you don't believe it fine... I'm sure you're still happy with your Droid. BUT don't spread false information. Task killers do save battery at an exponential rate. There is a reason I get 48+ hours on my Droid and most others get less than 24.