I need to install Anti-Moderator software.
AVG on the Android Market claims to protect against trojans, worms, malware. Should it be removed from the Market? Maybe the problem is definiton. AVG apparently equates virus with all of the above. I'll find out what I lose, if anything by uninstalling it, and will post the result here.
Sholuld there be a sticky or a banner telling customers not to install any AV software on your Droid or just some "AV" software,
My approach with forums is always to search first, but 90% of the time don't find anything enlightening and come across a lot of junk postings. There are exceptions.
In this case I was looking up how to add my name to the Lock screen, came upon the advice to ditch AV entirely, and it seemed irresponsible, especially in a thread that was not an AV discussion. I agree that posts can be simple, if you know your audience and respond appropriatelty.
So in this case it seems that "virus" means anything that replicates and attacks via the operating system/file system. It does NOT mean bad apps.