I was fairly shocked myself when I saw the size of supposedly 5MP camera photos. most are under 1mb. Though I must say that while I understand frustrations some people seem to feel about the quality of their cameras phone, I find it just fine. I line up my shot, click the camera button halfway to focus and then BAM photo! Looks just like on the screen basically every time.
The only problems I've ever experienced personally are in low light conditions it's so hard to take a picture. I mean with the flash the picture usually turns out good enough for me, but just trying to figure out where to aim at in dark conditions is frustrating.
If you bought your phone based on the quality of it's camera, then perhaps there are other issues you should be more concerned about.
Though I think a few things come to mind about why picture quality is somewhat lacking and it could be due to the file size. I know file size does not equal MP of the photo, but if the compression they are using while saving to jpeg format is that heavy, you lose a lot of detail...etc I'm not a photographer, but I'm pretty sure most real cameras save in a raw format don't they? or at least use very little compression because I have a 5mp old sony sure shot or something or other and images are usually several megs I believe.
Also I think someone should talk a little about how well video on this phone is. All I hear is pic this and pic that and wah wah wah.... you all realize we can take pretty much dvd quality recordings with sound even..... that just blows my mind! I used it for xmas and it looks fantastic. You'd never guess I used my phone!
I guess what I'm saying overall is Cheer up folks! you bought a phone, not a super duper telescopic lens paparazzi camera that can take pictures half a mile away with zoom and detail good enough to see the pores in the skin. If a person can make out you what you shot..... you did good enough in my humble opinion.
Also this is my first post so I apologize if I sound a bit like an ass. I don't mean to, but I see moaning about the camera all the time and to me it's just fine, it's not why I bought the phone. That isn't to say it couldn't be improved though, I will grant you that.