I gave up and returned my Nexus


New Member
Dec 21, 2011
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I had waited and waited for the Nexus to come out and really thought it was going to be great, what a disappointment, I finally got disgusted enough to box it up and take it back to my local Verizon store, I had terrible reception and battery life compared to my Droid X and I just couldn't seem to get used to the damn thing. Now I am stuck with a new Otter case that was used for about 2 days and a Sedio surface case with matching holster that was used for 1 day if anybody is interested in this stuff shoot me a pm.
Do you live near north east Maryland

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I had waited and waited for the Nexus to come out and really thought it was going to be great, what a disappointment, I finally got disgusted enough to box it up and take it back to my local Verizon store, I had terrible reception and battery life compared to my Droid X and I just couldn't seem to get used to the damn thing. Now I am stuck with a new Otter case that was used for about 2 days and a Sedio surface case with matching holster that was used for 1 day if anybody is interested in this stuff shoot me a pm.

Wow. Talk about an overreaction!

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I kind of get where OP is coming from. It is a departure from whatever it is that we all came from. Batt is horrible, but I am in it for what the phone can become and not what it is. I cant really complain too much because I get phones through work and don't pay for them. I might have felt differently is this was MY hard earned $ being spent.
Wow. Talk about an overreaction!

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

I own my own company and my customers rely on me answering my phone when they call, I have to have a reliable phone, the Nexus reception was terrible in my house and was not reliable, my Droid X on the other hand has always been reliable and always gets good reception in my house, couple that with the battery issues it was pretty much an easy decision.
Wow. Talk about an overreaction!

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

eh I dont know. I actually saw a small line of people at vzw today returning their nexus. I hope like many of you that the data issues is just software and it gets fixed. But I can understand people getting worried and not wanting to be stuck with a device past 14 days and a fix does not come or improve it to an acceptable level, especially if you use your phone for work as well. I understand people needing their phone for work first rom second.
All the more explanation I think as to why VZW did NOT hype the launch. This phone was for the few people that are willing to brave it. I do have to say that this is my 3rd Android phone and not oen of them has launched without major issues. DINC was rough going, TBlot is still not 100% of the way there. I feel better with GN because of the update release frequency.
I don't like battery life either. I I'm sticking with it though. Updates should be pretty quick. I remember my tbolt ota cause reboots and having dreadful battery life. Look at it now...liquid 3.2 and IMO kernel undervolted and overclocked... that thing flies and gets 20 hrs on the rezound battery.

Vzw has a external charge pack and spare battery combo for 30 after my discount.... can't beat that. Never worry about battery anymore

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
eh I dont know. I actually saw a small line of people at vzw today returning their nexus. I hope like many of you that the data issues is just software and it gets fixed. But I can understand people getting worried and not wanting to be stuck with a device past 14 days and a fix does not come or improve it to an acceptable level, especially if you use your phone for work as well. I understand people needing their phone for work first rom second.

BTW there was a Nationwide Verizon 3G & 4G outage today (21 Dec 2011). This may have been the issues to some of those symptoms...
Now I am stuck with a new Otter case that was used for about 2 days and a Sedio surface case with matching holster that was used for 1 day if anybody is interested in this stuff shoot me a pm.

You can return any accessories you purchased if you return your phone. Even if you purchased it elsewhere, but esp if you bought at Verizon store.
You can return any accessories you purchased if you return your phone. Even if you purchased it elsewhere, but esp if you bought at Verizon store.

That depends on the return policy of the store(s) where the accessories where purchased.
BTW there was a Nationwide Verizon 3G & 4G outage today (21 Dec 2011). This may have been the issues to some of those symptoms...

I am aware of the outage but if when I reactivate my tbolt after the outage was over, we could not get it activated while 4g was down, and I notice that the lte on the tbolt is holding stronger than the nexus was the entire time I had it then I got a little concerned. Trust me there is non one here who wants this thing to work more than I. In January I started the threads about a petition to vzw for a pure vanilla phone and the bloatware. I begged vzw almost every month via email for them to give us a Nexus. I had my money in hand to pay full retail on opening day (I mean we are talking about the cost of a decent size flat screen here). I was one of the first in line to get the Nexus and I continue to hope and believe the issue is minor and will be fixed with updates. That is partly why I left the money on credit on my vzw account hoping I can go back later and buy it again. But at the same time I want to make sure that it is minor and not a true issue given the track record of Samsung devices especially on the vzw network. And I am sure there are many more on the bubble of wanting to return it but is hoping for a fix. Reading through the forum a good number of people are suffering the same issue and a lot of us are trusting it will be fixed being we saw other lte devices with similar issues. Given the price I am paying for it; its gonna be tougher for me to swallow if a true fix is never released. I am truly hoping for the best because right now I do not see any other phone on vzw network that I would rather have. Right now I am monitoring the community heavily for signs of light that the problem is atleast seeing improvement. Just like the tbolt and other phones where leaks allowed people to see improvement over time I am looking for the same.