I think your predictions on specs a a little off on the low side, but anyway.<br />
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what's more likely to keep any of this from happening, is the carriers. the carriers are too stubborn and greedy to upgrade their networks sufficiently to support the level of superphone we should CURRENTLY be at now. only now are any carriers folding out 4G/WiMax when it could have easily been out 2-3years ago.<br />
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and then there's the issue of what they are charging us. if the carriers weren't so greedy, we could have easily had unlimited voice plans available 15 YEARS AGO.<br />
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unlimited texting should have been a non-issue about the same time, instead we have (in the case of verizon) $5 for 250, $10 for 500, $15 for 1500 and $20 for 5000, with unlimited to only in-network phones. add to that we're limited to 160 character, text-only, non-concatenated messages (anything longer gets truncated) to out-of-network phones for some stupid reason (still talking about verizon), and you see how they feel about their customers.